Filipino American History Month

Thank you to my dear friend and colleague LoraSaysSo for this awesome write up for Filipino American History Month. Enjoy!

I’m pleased that October has been recognized as Filipino-American History Month in the Sweetwater Union High School District. Please note the choice of the word “History” vs “Heritage”.  The purpose is to focus on events and experiences rather than customs and traditions.  Why October? Filipinos first arrived to the U.S. in Morro Bay in October 1587 and it is the birth month of Larry Itliong, one of the fathers of the West Coast Labor Movement.  

The Filipino American National Historical Society is a great resource.  Their mission is to promote understanding, education, enlightenment, appreciation, and enrichment through the identification, gathering, preservation, and dissemination of the history and culture of Filipino Americans in the United States.  This year’s theme of Filipino American History Month is “The History of Filipino American Activism.” 

At Sweetwater High, we offer world language classes in Filipino. We are also the the first in San Diego County to offer a Filipino American History class which is an A-G college prep course.
Here are some  events / articles / documents:

And to kick off the month, for the first time ever on a UC Campus, UCLA will be offering a Pilipino Studies minor this fall!  Exciting!

Happy Filipino-American History Month!