Around this time every year, I’m chasing seniors who have not yet completed their community service hours required for graduation. Although they’ve been advised to start their hours early in high school with a particular type of service they have a passion in, many delay and wait for the last minute.
Now that my boys are older, I thought it was a good time to start getting involved in some kind of community service together as a family. I want our boys to learn the gift of charity and service. I hope through these types of activities, they find gratitude in the good gifts the Lord has blessed them with in their lives and to help share those gifts with others.
I looked into working with Feeding America to help volunteer in their warehouse, but the age requirement was still a bit older than the ages of my boys now.
Thankfully, we attended the Ministry Fair at our parish, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, here in San Diego. We came across the Feeding Families Ministry that works with Feeding America. The food distribution happens directly at our parish and our boys would be able to participate.
Today was our first day volunteering. We got to our church at 7AM. There were a few dozen volunteers of all ages. We were in charge of the vegetables and fruits. There were boxes and boxes of fruits and vegetables we had to organize and bag. The boys did such a great job working with others to get our station ready.
There was so much food to distribute. Meats, cereal, bread, soup, and more!
We served over 60 families today. Many were big families, as well as the elderly.
As we drove away in our car, the boys said “That was cool mom! It’s nice there were lots of people to help those who need food.”
If you are interested in volunteering to receiving during Food for Families, visit or call (858) 484-1070 for more information.
Thank you to the Feeding Families team at Our Lady of Mount Carmel for organizing these monthly events to help give back to our community.
Now that my boys are older, I thought it was a good time to start getting involved in some kind of community service together as a family. I want our boys to learn the gift of charity and service. I hope through these types of activities, they find gratitude in the good gifts the Lord has blessed them with in their lives and to help share those gifts with others.
I looked into working with Feeding America to help volunteer in their warehouse, but the age requirement was still a bit older than the ages of my boys now.
Thankfully, we attended the Ministry Fair at our parish, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, here in San Diego. We came across the Feeding Families Ministry that works with Feeding America. The food distribution happens directly at our parish and our boys would be able to participate.
Today was our first day volunteering. We got to our church at 7AM. There were a few dozen volunteers of all ages. We were in charge of the vegetables and fruits. There were boxes and boxes of fruits and vegetables we had to organize and bag. The boys did such a great job working with others to get our station ready.
There was so much food to distribute. Meats, cereal, bread, soup, and more!
We served over 60 families today. Many were big families, as well as the elderly.
As we drove away in our car, the boys said “That was cool mom! It’s nice there were lots of people to help those who need food.”
If you are interested in volunteering to receiving during Food for Families, visit or call (858) 484-1070 for more information.
Thank you to the Feeding Families team at Our Lady of Mount Carmel for organizing these monthly events to help give back to our community.