Take What You Need - Inspiration Bulletin Board Ideas

My crafting days are now few and far between but when I saw this in my High School Counselor Network Facebook Page, I pinned it immediately.

I've shared my experiences in working with my students and the increase of students I'm seeing with mental health needs. I thought this bulletin board would fit perfect in the corridor of our counseling center for students to "Take What You Need". Affirming words and positive quotes help me get through tough days so I'm hoping as students walk passed my office, they'll stop and "take what they need" to get through the day.

I headed over to one of my favorite stores, Michael's, to get what I needed to put my display together. 

Day one, I used my Cricut to cut a few shapes with cardstock I already had at home. 

I then placed the stickers onto the shapes I cut out.

One day two, I dug around my craft boxes and found some rope, pushpins, and my glue gun to put it all together. 

And here is the final product...

Here are a few of my favorite quotes on my board:

I'm hoping my students will enjoy this as much as I enjoyed putting it together. Let's start 2017 with good vibes, positive energy, and lots of kindness!