Counselor Corner: Finding the University That’s the Right Fit For You

As a  high school counselor, I've found students and parents can become inundated with the amount of information found online for college searches, college admissions, and financial aid. There are lots of online resources to help students and parents navigate the college admissions process and finding the right tools can make the experience less overwhelming.

I recently had the privilege to be a guest contributor to Tier One Tutor's blog.
Tier One Tutors is one of the leaders in private tutoring and test preparation across Southern California. 

With college application season just around the corner, I've shared with Tier One blog readers a great website to use to help in the college search.

Here is an except from my article on Tier One Tutor's blog. Click the link for the entire article!

There are thousands of colleges and universities out there to choose from. You can become overwhelmed with the “needle in a haystack” feeling when trying to find the right college or university that fits you.

There are schools with over 30,000 students, and some with as few as several hundred. Some schools are located in the middle of very busy cities and some are found in the middle of the forest, surrounded by giant redwood trees. Co-ed or not, east coast or west coast  – the choices are endless!

One of the tools I’ve found most helpful for my students is Big Future, which is a section of the College Board website where students can prepare and register for the SAT college entrance exam.

Click here to access the entire article!