Jump Jelo is 7: Parkour Birthday

Thinking of fun birthday party themes is always a tough one for me. My boys are so picky, it's hard to pick a theme for their birthday parties early enough to get all the details in check. 

Luckily, this year the choice was easy! My brother works for De Leon Dynamics, the hottest fitness facility in San Diego’s north county inland area! They have an awesome gym which is fully equipped with an aerial apparatus, parkour obstacles, and other fitness goodies! My son Julian knew right away he wanted to check out uncle's cool gym and share the art of parkour with his buddies.

So, what is parkour? It's the activity or sport of moving rapidly through an area, typically in an urban environment, negotiating obstacles by running, jumping, and climbing. Here's my brother doing his thing!

De Leon Dynamics has a great room for parties. It has giant windows to watch all the activity going on in the gym. They have all the tables and chairs. They even do the clean-up afterwards!

We set up a cute cake table with a few parkour themed treats!

Before cake and pizza, the kids had an hour long class stretching, running, jumping, climbing, reaching, and more!

The kids definitely worked up an appetite and were ready to chomp on pizza, cupcakes, and other yummies!

I'm glad everyone had a great time and enjoyed the birthday activities at De Leon Dynamics! Thank you to the staff, and of course my brother, for making Julian's birthday extra special!

Here is a complete video of all the fun for #JumpJelois7 birthday party!