Just like you, my social media feeds are filled with people doing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Celebrities, friends, and family have all taken on the challenge. Participants are encouraged to donate to the ALS Association and/or take the ice bucket challenge.
Here's Mashable's quick video that explains ALS and the ice bucket challenge:
I knew sooner or later someone would call me out! Today it happened! Thanks to the Godmother of my son and long-time friend, Michelle, I've accepted the #ALSIceBucketChallenge!
I jumped on the ALS Association website and made my donation. It's not much but every little bit counts!
I was then inspired by Patrick Stewart's response to the Ice Bucket Challenge:
So, here is my video calling out my cousins Tara, Carol, and Sheena to donate to ALS or take the ice bucket challenge!
Here's Mashable's quick video that explains ALS and the ice bucket challenge:
I knew sooner or later someone would call me out! Today it happened! Thanks to the Godmother of my son and long-time friend, Michelle, I've accepted the #ALSIceBucketChallenge!
I jumped on the ALS Association website and made my donation. It's not much but every little bit counts!
I was then inspired by Patrick Stewart's response to the Ice Bucket Challenge:
So, here is my video calling out my cousins Tara, Carol, and Sheena to donate to ALS or take the ice bucket challenge!