About Me


 Hello! I'm Lysabeth and welcome to GarciaMemories.com. I'm a wife and mom of two boys, a former teacher turned high school counselor, who maintains her sanity by losing herself in the diversions of daily life!

My passion project, Wellness Wednesday, kept me busy during the pandemic and am excited for what the future holds!

I've lived most of my life in America's Finest City: San Diego, CA. Before kids, I traveled a bit and I can say, San Diego IS the finest city in the world! We create our Garcia Memories at San Diego favorites: Sea World, San Diego Zoo, and Balboa Park! We love eating out, most especially in the Convoy Street area! We are so lucky to live in a city that has the best of everything!

My life's work is in education. I'm currently a counselor at my high school alma mater.

Being an educator is the most rewarding, yet challenging career. Being able to help young people exceed their potential and assist families navigate the educational system makes being a counselor very rewarding.  www.SUHicounseling.com is a community resource I maintain with my counseling team which has lots of information to help students and their families.

I love my role as a Mommy - my three boys (the two I gave birth to and the one I married) are the loves of my life. My boys are a constant reminder of my blessings in life with their laughter, their love, and their handsome smiles! We all have a love for technology so our conversations usually involve talk of apps and devices and shopping trips to Target must include a walk through the electronics section!

My welcomed diversions: I enjoy traveling, mostly day trips nowadays. Crafting (when I can find the time, baking with Boozie Cakes during special occasions, exploring new eateries, spending quality time with friends and family, TV, movies, social media, trying new things, and blogging are my greatest diversions to distract me from the stresses of life. I can't sit still, I have to be doing something all the time. Spending time with my friends and family remind me of how blessed I am to be to share my life with such wonderful people!

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